Long-lived processes in Elixir

This blog post was originally published in thoughtbot's blog. You can find the original at thoughtbot.com/blog/long-lived-processes-in-elixir .

One of the things that I loved about Elixir when I first started using the language was the fact that everything runs inside a process (an Erlang VM process, not an operating system process). Each process is lightweight and isolated, and creating and destroying them is fast. As such, Elixir’s processes are front and center, which makes interacting with them both necessary and wonderful.

For example, if you start the interactive console, iex, you’ll see that all your commands are running in a process:

$ iex
Interactive Elixir

iex> self()

iex> 1 + 1

iex> self()

so all of the code you run in the console is running in process 84 (an Elixir/Erlang process).

Naturally, you can choose to run the code in a separate process,

iex> spawn(fn -> 1 + 1 end)

spawn/1 creates a new process which runs the function provided, fn -> 1 + 1 end. Interestingly, we do not see the return value of the anonymous function because the function ran in a different process. What we get instead is the process id, pid, of the spawned process.

Notice moreover that I said that the anonymous function ran in another process — ran as in past tense. Once process 86 finished doing all of its work, it exited and we can no longer get any data from it.

iex> pid = spawn(fn -> 1 + 1 end)

iex> Process.alive?(pid)

So if a process exits when it is finished with its work, how can we have a long-lived process in Elixir?

Well… we just need to give the process work that never ends.

A never-ending story

How can we give a process work that never ends?

As a developer you may have experienced (accidentally) creating an infinitely recursive loop in a program, causing the program to hang for a while and eventually crash. In our case we want to do this intentionally.

Let’s see it in action by writing a simple loop,

defmodule LiveLong do
  def run do

That’s the simplest loop I can think of. Now in iex we can spawn a process that uses that function,

iex> pid = spawn(LiveLong, :run, [])

iex> Process.alive?(pid)

iex> Process.info(pid)
  current_function: {LiveLong, :run, 0},
  status: :running,
  # more info

There we go! We have created a long-lived process. It will keep running in an infinite loop until we tell it to exit. But magically, it will not crash our program.

Why doesn’t it crash?

In other languages, if you get stuck in an infinitely recursive loop, your program hangs for a while and then crashes. Why doesn’t that happen here?

Elixir has tail call optimization (or really last call optimization). That means that so long as we call the same function at the end of the execution path, Elixir will not allocate a new stack frame to the call stack, and our program will not suffer from a stack overflow.

Okay, but why do I care?

It is true that you may not need a long-running process if all you need is to run a script or perform a one-off task. But having long-running processes is key to programming in Elixir. For example, it is how GenServers can send and receive messages while keeping state, and it is how Supervisors can provide fault tolerance to your system by knowing and restarting other processes that crash.

In order to make this sink in even more, let’s create something that resembles a simple GenServer - a process that is long-lived, can handle messages, and can store state.

defmodule SimpleGenServer do
  def start do
    initial_state = []

  def receive_messages(state) do
    receive do
      msg ->
        {:ok, new_state} = handle_message(msg, state)

  def handle_message({:store, value}, state) do
    {:ok, [value | state]}

  def handle_message({:send_all_values, pid}, state) do
    send(pid, {:all_values, state})
    {:ok, state}

Let’s do a quick breakdown of each function,

  • start/0 simply defines an empty list as the initial state and calls receive_messages/1.

  • receive_messages/1 is where the magic happens. Here we use the receive/1 Elixir primitive to pattern match messages out of our mailbox. In our case, we grab any message that comes in (msg) and pass it to our handle_message/2 function along with the state. The handle_message/2 function will do something with the message and state, and we expect it to return an updated state. We then perform the magic trick of making a recursive tail call. We call receive_messages/1 with the new state.

  • handle_message({:store, value}, state) will simply pattern match when we want to store a value, and it will add it to the current state.

  • handle_message({:send_all_values, pid}, state) receives a pid to which it will send all the values found in the process (the current state).

Now let’s interact with it,

iex> pid = spawn(SimpleGenServer, :start, [])

iex> send pid, {:store, 23}
iex> send pid, {:store, "hello"}

iex> iex_pid = self()
iex> send pid, {:send_all_values, iex_pid}

iex> flush()
{:all_values, ["hello", 23]}

where flush/0 is a convenience function in iex that allows us to get all the messages in the console’s mailbox instead of having to pattern match them out with receive/1.

As you can see, our long-lived process successfully stored the data we sent to it, and we were able to retrieve all the values via message passing.

Long live long-lived processes!

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